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“We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen and to bring home those who have lost their way.”
St Francis of Assisi

Pain Relief & Management

We provide holistic pain relief and management solutions in the comfort of your home.
Many of our clients suffer from acute and chronic pain. Sadly, only few effective treatment options are available and some, such as opioid painkillers have harmful side effects such as dependency and abuse. Others involve invasive techniques such as surgery that may be risky or unsuitable.
“The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure but to avoid pain.”
Omnia offers a blueprint for its clients to achieve ‘meaningful healing’. This can be viewed as a journey that takes clients from diagnosis to the restoration of functionality and ultimately, the achievement of harmony of mind and body to feely enjoy life.
The journey is centered around healing, lifestyle advice, and health screenings involving three overlapping approaches:
Compression Therapy
Manual Therapy

Diet Advice
Exercise & Fitness
Mind Body Connective Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Neuro-Linguistic Programming

PNOE Metabolic Testing
Veda Pulse
RightEye Vision Tracking
Vestibular First
BME Assessment

Omnia Pain Relief & Management

TCM & Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on the belief that illness is caused by an imbalance of Yin and Yang in the body. TCM practitioners determine the nature of this imbalance and restore balance through a variety of approaches including Acupuncture, herbal remedies, exercise and changes in diet & nutrition and lifestyle.
Acupuncture is a technique that involves the balancing of Qi, which is the natural vital force that flows through the body. If there is an excess of either Yin or Yang, then the Yang Qi and Yin Qi would be damaged leading to specific health conditions. The technique involves inserting ultra-fine needles into the skin to stimulate specific points called acupressure points to balance the flow of Qi through the body’s meridians. An analgesic effect results which increases the body’s release of natural painkillers such as endorphins and initiates a process called purinergic signalling, a system using ATP and purine for the signalling and regulation of all body organs and tissues.
Many people choose Acupuncture for treating migraines or headaches, shoulder pain or lower back ache. Others when they feel their bodily functions are out of balance with no obvious diagnosis such as auto-immune diseases. Yet others for relaxation and to enhance their feeling of well-being. Acupuncture is most effective in the relief of acute and chronic pain reducing the need for drugs especially opioids which can be addictive and cause harmful side effects. The strongest evidence of its effectiveness arises when it is used in conjunction with conventional therapies such as physiotherapy and osteopathy.
Acupuncture is one of the safest alternative treatment modalities and is suitable for all ages including babies and children. Acupuncture is now available in many GP practices as well as in most pain clinics and hospices in the UK. The National Institute of Care Excellence (NICE) recommends Acupuncture as a treatment option for chronic tension type headaches and migraines. In 2009, NICE also recommended that Acupuncture should be made available in the NHS as a cost-effective, short-term treatment for the management of early, persistent, non-specific lower back pain.
A number of commonly used drug treatments for chronic primary pain have little or no evidence that they work and shouldn’t be prescribed, NICE has said in its draft clinical guideline published today (3 August 2020) on the assessment and management of chronic pain in over 16s. View NICE update here.


Osteopathy is suitable for a broad range of individuals, including the elderly and anyone needing pain therapy and management. Osteopathic care is delivered through a range of interventions which may include manual therapy, onward referral, health management advice, postural and ergonomic advice and exercises.

Manual therapy techniques employed may include gentle articulation and manipulation of joints and soft tissues. It is particularly good as part of a treatment plan for pain related illnesses. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines on managing lower back pain and sciatica state that manual therapy can be considered as a treatment option alongside exercise. NICE also recommends manual therapy as a possible treatment option for osteoarthritis, but osteopathy isn’t specifically mentioned.

An Osteopath takes a caring and personal therapeutic approach by spending time listening to you and adapting the treatment depending on your individual needs and presenting complaint. The key is to understand and treat the cause of the problem and not just the symptoms thereby allowing the body to heal.

Photobiomodulation (PBM)

Photobiomodulation is the application of red and near infrared light to diseased or damaged tissue to stimulate and enhance healing, reduce inflammation and induce analgesia (pain relief). We work closely with Thor Photomedicine, the world’s leading specialist in the field of PBM.
PBM stimulates photochemical changes in the body in the same way photosynthesis effects plants, or sunlight effects vitamin D synthesis. PBM works predominantly on a protein in the mitochondria (cytochrome c oxidase) to increase ATP and reduce oxidative stress. A cascade of mitochondrial and intracellular downstream effects lead to improved tissue repair and reduced inflammation.
Globally, PBM technology has been featured in over 5,000 laboratory studies, with over 700 published Randomised Controlled Trials using LED and 3b Laser devices. The treatment is non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical, safe and extremely relaxing.

Photobiomodulation for the treatment of Oral Mucositis

Oral mucositis (OM) is a common side effect of chemotherapy or radiotherapy used for treating head and neck cancer or before bone marrow transplantation. Symptoms usually start 5 to 10 days after chemotherapy or 14 days after radiotherapy, which include dryness, halitosis, pain, inflammation and oral mucosa ulceration. Chemotherapy-associated OM can resolve within a few days after the completion of chemotherapy, but radiotherapy-associated OM can last for weeks. OM can affect nutritional status (which may need enteral or parental nutrition) and quality of life, and can increase hospital stay. It can also require interruptions or dose reductions in chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment. View NICE guidelines.
PBM or Low-level laser therapy aims to treat or prevent OM by promoting healing, reducing inflammation and increasing cell metabolism. A hand-held probe is used to deliver light in the red or near-infrared spectrum to the oral mucosa. It can be delivered intra-orally or extra-orally, or as a combination of both approaches. During an intra-oral treatment, the probe, which is about the size of a dental curing light, is introduced into the mouth. For extra-oral treatment, the probe is positioned close to the cheek. The procedure typically takes 20 to 30 minutes, and is delivered 2 to 5 times a week for the duration of the oncology treatment. The procedure may be started before treatment with chemotherapy or radiotherapy begins, with the intention of preventing OM.

Lymphatic Drainage Using Compression Therapy

The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system. Tiny lymph capillaries take up fluids that leak out of the vein capillaries and transport this lymph fluid through larger lymph vessels to the blood for circulation. The lymphatic system quietly helps to maintain our health and well-being by performing three critical functions:

• Aids the immune system by removing and destroying waste, dead blood cells, pathogens and toxins.

• Absorbs fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive system and delivers these nutrients to the cells of the body where they are used as fuel.

• Removes excess fluid and waste products from the spaces between the cells and organs of the body.

Lymphoedema is often caused by disease or physical damage to the lymphatic system. When a lymph vessel is cut or blocked or cannot function properly, fluid (oedema) builds up in the area under the skin. Inflammation and tissue changes including fat deposition and fibrosis reduce the function of adjacent lymph vessels. Limbs can become extremely large and heavy and if untreated, patients can become susceptible to dangerous infections.
Lympha Press® is a compact compression therapy device designed for home treatment that is clinically proven to treat health conditions due to a damaged lymphatic system such as lymphoedema, lipoedema and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI).

Body Ballancer® is a versatile, relaxing and invigorating compression therapy system adapted from the proven principles of manual lymphatic drainage massage.

The Body Ballancer® uses patented inflating compression garments to apply a gentle or firm massage. Each garment contains 24 individual air chambers that overlap to apply fluent compression strokes that target every inch of the treated area. The

Body Ballancer® action accelerates the removal of toxins and excess fluid via the lymphatic system, reducing the appearance of cellulite, improving skin tone and reducing volume in areas affected by excess fluid retention whilst its gentle rhythmic actions promote relaxation and stress relief.


Ayurveda translates as the science or knowledge of life. Ayurveda originated in the mists of time in India and was passed down as an oral tradition from one generation to the next until it was committed to text in the Sanskrit Vedas, which are among the oldest works of literature. The focus of the treatment is to find out the root cause behind the symptoms of a disease and accelerate the healing process using a combination of massage, diet, and herbal medicine.
In Ayurveda, health is defined as a state of well-being in which the three Doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are aligned and your soul is in harmony with the five senses and mind. Once you have identified your Dosha type, you can tailor your medication, lifestyle, and diet to maintain your Dosha type.
Our experienced practitioners perform relaxing and strengthening Ayurvedic massages using medicated herbal oils as well as offer lifestyle and diet advice using proven and time-tested Ayurvedic principles.
Our leading Ayurvedic practitioner, Dr Palitha Serasinghe, holds a First-Class Honours degree in Ayurvedic Medicine awarded by the University of Colombo in Sri Lanka as well as a PhD in Medicine and Pharmacology from Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University in Japan. This unique combination of study and training has enabled him to bridge the elusive divide between traditional and modern medicine.

My treatment has been World class

“I have been in consultation with the Ayurvedic doctors at Omnia since May, following a month in hospital with Lyme Disease. My treatment has been world class with caring and knowledgeable practitioners. All the staff are incredibly helpful and the environment welcoming. I highly recommend Ayurvedic treatment at Omnia for anyone suffering chronic illness. Most importantly, the treatment is working. I am recovering, and I credit the staff at Omnia for this.”

R W, July 2019


Vedapulse® is a health screening device that uses the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) method recommended by the European Society for Cardiology (ESC) and the Heart Rhythm Society formerly known as the North American Society for Pacing & Electrophysiology (NASPE) to conduct pulse analysis for an assessment of the functional state of the health of the body. For Ayurveda, it can provide detailed Dosha assessments. It also provides an objective measure of stress levels which can help us assess the effectiveness of many of our treatments as well as offer recommendations on lifestyle changes and diet & nutrition.


Shirodhara (dripping of oil in the area of the forehead) is an Ayurvedic massage technique used for balancing the body and the mind. The gentle pressure and soothing warmth of the oil allow the body, mind, and nervous system to experience a deep state of rest akin to meditation. This therapy is beneficial for many conditions including treating anxiety and stress due to chronic pain especially those caused by auto-immune diseases. We offer this treatment in the comfort of your own home using Shirobliss®, an automated Shirodhara-administering system that regulates the variables inherent in the application of the oil such as flow and temperature allowing the client to experience this soothing therapy without any distraction.

Ayurvedic Shirodhara (Chakra Healing) is not only beneficial to people who are ill or suffer from bad health. It also benefits people with a healthy disposition by assisting them to maintain wellbeing and wellness.
The main effect of Shirodhara (Chakra Healing) is on the 6th Chakra (Agya Chakra). This is the junction between personal consciousness and collective consciousness.

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Acupuncture for the treatment of pain

Modern medicine continues to advance and adjust as scientific evidence emerges showing the best way to treat people. We are entering an era where our reliance on drugs has come under increasing scrutiny and in some areas, there is hard evidence to suggest that drug treatment is not ideal.  The human body has a habit of adapting to chemical stimulants and in some scenarios, the effectiveness of a drug diminishes over time, or ends up causing more problems than it solves.

For the treatment of pain over long periods of time, the protocol was to continue using chemical pain killers. However, this has lead to serious consequences, namely addiction and a progressive reduction in efficacy. Science is very good at looking at evidence and acting on real data.  We love to take a pill, but unfortunately, that isn’t always the best way to treat pain.  A combination of therapies and approaches are needed to bring a person back from the lows that pain can cause. Based on clinical studies, acupuncture has become one in a combination of recommended treatments.


Acupuncture needling

Most clients will see an acupuncturist regularly to maintain a feeling of general well being.  Even though the procedure involves the insertion of hair-thin needles into targeted areas of the body, acupuncture is considered non-invasive and gentle.  For more information on acupuncture and the treatment of pain, please contact Omnia.

Acupuncture is safe

More about Professor Wu and Tai Chi

More about Osteopathy

If you are suffering pain associated with joints, muscles or bones in any combination then osteopathy is likely help. Even without pain, osteopathy treatment can help with your overall health, posture and quality of life.  Osteopathy is an area of medicine which effectively detects, treats and prevents a wide range of health problems. These problems are often associated with movement or stretching of muscles and joints. That includes bones, ligaments, tendons and connective tissue. The health and quality of life for any person relies on all these vital components function together as they should.  Much like other therapies at Omnia, the treatment is based on the fact that everything is connected and osteopathy aims to create a positive influence on the body’s nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems.

Omnia osteopathy treatment

Osteopathy is used to treat a wide range of conditions including:

  • fibromyalgia
  • arthritic pain including hip and knee pain
  • headaches arising from neck problems
  • joint pain
  • shoulder and elbow problems (frozen shoulder)
  • general neck and back pain (acute and chronic)
  • tension and inability to relax
  • minor sports injuries
  • general aches and pains
  • cramp
  • circulatory problems
  • digestion problems
  • lumbago
  • migraine prevention
  • muscle spasms
  • neuralgia
  • rheumatic pain
  • sciatica

Osteopathy treatments

More information about Photobiomodulation

There is substantial clinical evidence published in peer reviewed medical journals that Photobiomodulation (PBM Therapy) previously known as Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) can stimulate repair of tissue, reduce inflammation and relieve pain in musculoskeletal disorders.  The three main areas with good evidence include:

  • Soft Tissue Injuries
  • Joint Conditions
  • Back and Neck Pain

Other applications such as shingles, post operative pain, also respond well.

Thor PBM for back pain

There are now over 700 PBM Therapy clinical trials (RCT’s) published in peer reviewed journals, 64 of which are for musculoskeletal pain including low back pain, tendinopathies, neck pain and osteoarthritis. These studies find that the median magnitude for pain relief is at least twice that of NSAIDS.

There are 16 RCT’s for just neck pain alone, a pathology for which no drug is currently licensed. There is increasing desire from patients to find a pain relief modality that does not involve drugs. The government and healthcare providers are under pressure to save money and practice safer, more effective evidence based medicine.

Thor PBM for knee pain

Thor PBM for foot conditions

More about Oral Mucositis Treatment with PBM

The effect of Photobiomodulation (PBM Therapy) previously known as Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) on oral mucositis (by laser or LED) has been reported in 32 randomised controlled clinical trials. These includes patients undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy or haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in both pediatric and and adult populations. Most of the studies are therapeutic (treating symptoms) but some clinical trials have shown that treatment concurrent with cancer therapies can be preventative.

Photobiomodulation is helpful for:

  • Oral mucositis
  • Hyposalivation and xerostomia
  • Lymphoedema

With other emerging applications for:

  • Radiation dermatitis
  • Dysphagia
  • Trismus
  • Fibrosis
  • Pain control

PBM in treatment of Oral Mucositis

Lymphatic Drainage using Lympha Press

How it works

The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system. It absorbs and transports interstitial fluids back to the blood .circulation. Tiny lymph capillaries take up fluids that leak out of the vein capillaries and transport this lymph fluid through larger lymph vessels to the blood circulation. Lympha Press creates pressure waves that stimulates the lymphatic system, encouraging the fluid’s movement.

Body Ballancer

How it works

The Body Ballancer is a versatile, relaxing and invigorating compression therapy system. Adapted from the proven principles of manual lymphatic drainage massage by the world’s leading manufacturer of medical pressotherapy devices, it delivers a multi-faceted, effective answer to a number of body issues. This system is used to treat cellulite, loss of skin tone and is superb in helping to achieve optimal health. Regular use of the Body Ballancer”‘ promotes a healthy lymphatic system, essential in the elimination of the waste and toxins that result from the body’s natural metabolic process.

A healthy lymphatic system is extremely important when it comes to getting the most out of Liposculpture. A couple of sessions with the Body Ballancer up to the day of the procedure and a course of sessions following the procedure will provide the best results.

Enhancirig lymphatic flow using the Body Ballancer® will not only reduce the swelling and bruising caused by the procedure, it will also speed up the elimination of the dead fat cells and provide an oxygen boost to the skin, resulting in a faster, more aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Decreases fluid retention from congested areas through increased lymphatic drainage.

Speeds healing of venous stasis ulcers, caused by chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), by increasing oxygenation to the wound.

Reduces swelling and relieves pain caused by inflammation following injury or surgery.

Stimulates the flow of lymph fluid, flushing toxins from the body and encourages a supply of healthy oxygenated blood to the skin.

Enhances the patient’s mobility, relieves discomfort and reduces the risk of cellulitis.

Decreases skin fibrosis, swelling and improves overall skin condition.

About Dr Palitha Serasinghe & Ayurvedic Medicine

Dr Palitha Serasinghe is eminently placed to offer consultation and advice on the comprehensive and holistic range of treatment options we offer with an emphasis on a long-term perspective on managing pain encompassing nutrition, diet, lifestyle, and exercise in addition to specific pain relief treatments. He has been an Ayurvedic teacher and practitioner for more than 30 years and has taught and trained students up to postgraduate level in Sri Lanka, Japan, and the United Kingdom. He has also been a Consultant Ayurveda Physician at the Teaching Ayurveda Hospital, Colombo, Sri Lanka. As an expert in Ayurvedic Medicine, Dr Serasinghe has spent the last 18 years in the United Kingdom first as a Visiting Research Fellow in King’s College, London, and then as a senior lecturer in the College of Ayurveda (UK) and Middlesex University.
As our leading expert on Ayurvedic Medicine, Dr Serasinghe is exceptionally equipped with the knowledge and skills to practice the full scope of Ayurvedic treatments from massage therapies to diet, lifestyle, aromatherapy, health supplements, and Panchakarma treatments according to the legislative requirements, health, and safety standards as well as clinical guidelines set by the UK regulatory authorities. He has considerable experience working with fellow health professionals such as GPs and specialists to provide a safe and optimal level of care to his patients. Dr Serasinghe is also a recognised authority on the use and benefits of Ayurvedic herbs having published and presented several peer-reviewed clinical research papers on the subject in respected academic journals and conference proceedings. He continues to be intimately associated with the research community and academia and is a member of several professional organisations such as the Ayurvedic Practitioners Association (APA), Ayurvedic Medical Association (UK), British Association of Accredited Ayurvedic Practitioners (BAAAP), and the Institute of Clinical Research. He is also listed in the NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners. He is currently the Principal Lecturer at the College of Ayurveda (UK) and at the College of Ayurveda in Japan, where he is currently contracted to lecture four times a year. His main expertise lies in Panchakarma treatments, pain relief and management, chronic neurological problems, fertility, and sexual health, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, stress, anxiety, and depression.

More about Veda Pulse

VedaPulse performs analysis of the “pulse of the organs”, evaluates bioenergy and helps create detailed acupuncture prescription with visualization of the location of biologically active points.

Veda Pulse Equipment

The VedaPulse system allows Omnia to perform a rapid assessment of the functional state of the body, evaluating stress levels and helping to provide individual recommendations for rehabilitation. The system subsequently helps to monitor the entire rehabilitation process.

VedaPulse in action

More about Shirodhara

Shirodhara (Chakra Healing) helps to take charge of our health with improved cellular intelligence. Kundalini energy is one of the main connections between the nervous system and the hormonal system. It controls body temperature, hunger, thirst, water balance and the sexual functions and metabolic function in general. It is also relative to emotions and sleep and governs all of this by regulating the automatic functioning of the nervous system through the hormones.

During Shirodhara (Chakra Healing), the brain releases specific biochemical stuff. It acts like a chemical messenger that heals body and spirit. Besides physical cleaning and rejuvenation, the release of mental blockades – like fear, jealousy, anxiety, excessive thinking, phobias, insomnia, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder – Shirodhara (Chakra Healing) reprograms all these.

Shirodhara (Chakra Healing) is not only healing. It elicits energy, kindness, compassion.